Sustaining Tenancies

This service operates under the Social Services Wahanga of Ngāti Ranginui Iwi Society Inc.

The sustaining tenancies service is for tenants who are at rish of losing their place to live. This could be in either public housing or private housing or private rentals. Ngāti Ranginui will work together with clients to remove the barriers or vulnerabilities that could be an issue.

Programme Outcomes

The sustaining tenancies service has a goal of developing the skills and knowledge of clients to effectively and independently manage their tenancy.


Clients can join the service through a referral from external agencies such as Kainga Ora, MSD or other services. Clients can also self-refer.

Service Content

Working holistically within the realms of Tikanga Māori and whakawhanaunatanga. The main content covered is as follows:

  • Whakawhanaungatanga
  • Needs Assessments
  • Goal Setting
  • Individual Plans
  • Education Empowers
  • Education Transforms
  • Education Inspires

Phone: 07 770 410


With your help, we can make a positive difference in the lives of tamariki, rangatahi and whānau in need.

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