Mauri Ora

Our program is a health facilitation and intervention program in partnership with Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation (WBPHO).  The Mauri Ora project was launched in 2016 and builds on the previous work of Pae Ora.

The underlying principles of the Mauri Ora project is to work towards a healthy thriving iwi in Tauranga Moana, for whanau to leave a legacy of good health for their children and mokopuna, and to consider the whakatauāki – Kia Tu te Mana o Ranginui as an affirmation of a living a health conscious lifestyle.  

Wahine Ora, Tāne Ora, Tamariki Ora, Rangatahi Ora, Kaumatua and Marae Wānanga are the six fundamental areas that encompass Mauri Ora.

Lifestyle programmes have included Māori fitness programme PATU Aotearoa, marae assistance to establish Maara Kai (Vege and herb gardens), and Men’s health programmes.  Nutritional kaupapa will include looking at traditional kai gathering methods.