Symposium 2024

We are excited to announce the upcoming Uenukurangi Symposium: Vision Ranginui, a significant and transformative event that brings together Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Ranginui Fisheries Trust. This symposium represents a collaborative and unified effort to capture the collective voice of our whānau, hapū, and iwi as we work towards developing a shared vision that will guide the future of Ngāti Ranginui for generations to come.

Taking place from November 14th – 16th, 2024, at Mercury Baypark Arena, Mt Maunganui, this symposium provides a unique and powerful platform for us to come together as a people. It is a time to kōrero, share whakaaro, and strengthen our connections, ensuring that the aspirations of our whānau and hapū are heard and reflected in the decisions and strategies that shape our future. Together, we will explore the opportunities and challenges ahead, fostering a collective vision that acknowledges our rich history while laying the foundation for the future prosperity and well-being of our iwi.

The Uenukurangi Symposium is more than just a gathering; it is a momentous opportunity to align our energies, talents, and collective wisdom toward a common goal. It is about ensuring that every voice within Ngāti Ranginui is valued and that our mana is upheld in every discussion, decision, and action that arises from this kaupapa.

We warmly invite all whānau to attend this symposium, to lend your voice, your vision, and your whakaaro to this important kaupapa. Your presence and input are vital to the creation of a united, strong, and resilient future for our iwi. As we come together, we will build on the legacy of our tūpuna, honouring their aspirations while forging a path that ensures the success, well-being, and autonomy of future generations.

Join us as we embark on this important journey toward unity and collective growth. More details and registration information will be shared in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Let’s come together to co-create a bold, empowered future for Ngāti Ranginui!

14th – 16th November
Mercury Baypark Arena,
Mt Maunganui

Register Now

Register now for the Uenukurangi Symposium!