Te Mana o Te Tuna Te Mana o te Wai Wananga Tuarua

Tena koutou katoa, we at Ngati Ranginui would like to invite you to our hikoi and hui, the second Tuna Wananga.

Na te Manatu Taiao te Putea Tautoko

30th March Hairini Marae:

8.30am Pohiri hei timatatanga

9.30am Hikoi Tauranga City Council Water Catchment Oropi

2.00pm Kaimai Tuna Recovery Outcomes

4.30pm Te Mana o te Wai GIS Portal

31st March Hairini Marae

9.00am Hikoi Ohauiti Stream Water Quality Monitoring

1.00pm Te Mana o te Wai Statements

3.00pm Kua rahi mo tenei wa

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