Our Iwi

Our Iwi

Ngāti Ranginui are the descendants of ancestors who arrived on the Takitimu Waka, lived and settled in Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty hundreds of years ago. Our ancestor Tamatea Arikinui conducted the rituals and ceremonies of the arrival at Mauao. Over many generations these ancestors and their descendants established villages, fortifications, burial grounds, fishing areas and forest places. These lands and waters have been confiscated following the land wars 1865. Today the tribal groups only retain a fraction of their once vast estates. We express our relationship with our ancestral lands by maintaining marae, retaining remnant reserves and keeping the identity and customary rights and practices alive.

Ngāti Ranginui Iwi has seven affiliated Hapu; Ngai Tamarawaho, Ngai Te Ahi, Ngati Hangarau, Ngati Kahu, Ngati Ruahine, Ngati Te Wai and Pirirakau.

And ten marae; Huria, Hairini, Hangarau, Wairoa, Waimapu, Tuapiro, Tutereinga, Poututerangi, Paparoa and Tawhitinui.