Preparing for COVID-19 at Home

Under the traffic light system, and especially now with all of Aotearoa under the RED Traffic Light setting due to community transmission of the Omicron variant, more and more whānau will need to self-isolate from home. It is vital that whānau start to kōrero and plan now for how this will happen when a member of their whānau becomes COVID-19 positive.  

Being aware of proper home isolation procedures will be vital in ensuring our whānau are able to self-isolate at home safely, without endangering other whānau at home or in their wider hapori.

  • Who will look after tamariki?
  • Who will shop for kai, medication and other needs?

These are just a couple of questions your whānau may need to consider in your plan.

We have produced this one-page quick guide called ‘Isolating at Home – Getting prepared’. This resource will help prompt and guide whānau to kōrero together, create plans, and gather the information needed in your whānau plan for when a whānau member becomes positive for COVID-19.
You can download a printable copy of this resource below.

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Uenukurangi Symposium Photos

Kia ora e te whānau! The photos from the Uenukurangi Symposium are now available to view! A massive mihi to Naera Ohia Photography for capturing